University of Mobile School of Nursing Preceptor Information

To our valued preceptors:
We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to you for agreeing to be a preceptor for the University of Mobile School of Nursing, especially during these trying times. Now, more than ever, this experience is vital to the future success of our students, and you are fulfilling a critical element in their preparation for practice.
Your student is required to complete a total of 144 hours (BSN) or 90 hours (ADN) by the end of the practicum experience. They should work all shifts that you are scheduled, with the exceptions listed on this site. They are not permitted to leave early unless there is a true emergency, and they are required to work weekends and holidays. If the student must leave early for any reason, they should make this time up by working another shift. If the student is unable to report to practicum or they must leave early, they are to notify you as well as the course coordinator. Students received a log on which they should document and have you validate all hours worked.
There are a list of the course learning objectives included in the preceptor packet. We would ask that completion of these objectives be a primary focus while the student is with you. The student should also have personal objectives that they should discuss with you at the beginning of the practicum rotation. During their time with you, the student should learn to work as a nurse, providing total care to each patient by the end of the experience.
There are two evaluations that should be completed at the end of the practicum rotation, both of which are included in this packet. Please feel free to be honest with your evaluations, as these will help us to continually improve this process. Once completed, please discuss the student’s evaluation with the student (if you feel comfortable), after which it is the responsibility of the student to deliver the evaluations back to their practicum coordinator.
Face-to-face visits may be made with you and the student at any time; however, each student is required to attend 1 virtual visit with the course coordinator during this course. It is also encouraged that each preceptor set-up at least one virtual visit with the course coordinator to discuss the student’s progression through this experience. Details regarding this option will be provided to you. Regardless of the meeting method, faculty will always be available to provide support and to answer questions as needed. Please know that this is a team effort, and you are encouraged to contact the course coordinator with any concerns or questions that you may have over the next few weeks.
Again, thank you for your willingness and enthusiasm to assist our students by providing a meaningful learning experience. We appreciate you and everything that you do to help in the development of future nurses!