I chose to pursue Studio Art as my major because it’s hands-on and it gives me a chance to expand my creativity. From drawing with charcoal to building objects out of clay, this major is giving me the opportunity to learn and experience different art forms and mediums.
Studio art is also teaching me the history and techniques that have existed from hundreds to thousands of years before me. I’m really happy that I have the chance to be a part of that history.
I like studying studio art at the University of Mobile because it is up close and personal. It is the perfect place to ask questions because my professors are so accessible. My professors – Mrs. Cary, Mr. Counselman, and Ms. Livingston – want to see us achieve greatness and unlock our fullest potential as aspiring artists in both the studio art world and graphic design world.
University of Mobile art professors set a great example of the kind of teacher that I want to become. There was a time last semester when I wasn’t feeling confident as a student and I had begun falling behind. That’s when one of my art teachers, Mr. Counselman, sat me down and encouraged me not to give up and to keep going.
Studying art at the University of Mobile has taught me many life lessons about art. Art is not meant to be perfect at all. That is something that I’ve had to learn and accept, especially since I’m a perfectionist.
Each artist had his or her own creative style, and that is what is so unique about art in general.
If something doesn’t turn out exactly as planned, don’t give up. Instead, work with it to create something new.
I’m thankful to UM for all the life lessons, art lessons and relationship I’ve gained by being an art major.

Brittany Campbell is a senior at the University of Mobile majoring in studio art and minoring in music. She is also a member of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. In her spare time, Brittany enjoys binge watching TV shows, doodling, and doing word searches and crossword puzzles.