As one of University of Mobile’s first Master of Arts in Worship Leadership and Theology candidates to complete this graduate program, I could not be more satisfied with the exposure to new ideas, theological depth, worship concepts and leadership development. My UM experience provided professors that were thoughtful, encouraging and very engaged in my success as a student.
One of the elements I appreciate most is that I had the opportunity to glean from the first-hand experience of professors that are active in the areas they teach. Yes, information can be given by those that have done the research regarding any issue, but there is a greater perspective shared by those who are active in the field. Dr. Steve Bowersox, the department chair, is an innovator in the field of worship leadership and technology. He has personally taken out time and helped me think through ways to further my ministry. This is one of the many examples of the personal experience, involvement, and investment given by the professors in this program in the university’s Alabama School of the Arts.
The hybrid online model is perfect for the working worship pastor. I have been a music minister for almost 20 years, and this material has challenged me beyond my experience and added to my ability to lead in all areas of worship. The online leadership material sharpens your methodology, equipping you with practical knowledge that encompasses all areas of my vocation. It has also enriched my theology as a pastor of worship. One example of this is a week-long intensive course that enabled me to meet one of the authors of a book assigned for a class. Dr. Zack Hicks walked us through each chapter, expounding on all the materials covered in his book, “The Worship Pastor.” Meeting the author of such a profound and helpful text, and being able to spend time with him, is an experience I will always cherish.
Before my involvement with UM’s worship leadership and theology graduate program, I went through a season of feeling the need for development. I knew there was more that could be done to better serve those I lead and to satisfy the desire for personal growth. The exposure to deeper theology and worship concepts, paired with broader leadership concepts, has been very impactful to my life and ministry. I am so thankful to UM for allowing open access to rehearsals, performances and resources.
Whether you are just completing your undergraduate studies or have been active in the field for several years, I highly recommend the Master of Arts in Worship Leadership and Theology program in the Alabama School of the Arts at the University of Mobile. I am confident that this will add to your ministry, as it has mine.

Mark Moore has over 20 years of experience leading wordship in a variety of settings. He graduated from the University of Mobile in spring 2020 with a Master of Arts in Worship Leadership and Theology. His desire is to continue to lead cooperate worship and to pour into the next generation of worship leaders. He enjoys spending time with his family and all things Marvel Comics.