Dr. Amy Taylor has a calling that goes beyond teaching business principles to students in the Grace Pilot School of Business at the University of Mobile. Her own experience as a new college graduate showed her the value of mentoring in her own life – and it’s something this associate professor of business is passionate about putting into practice with the students she teaches.
“After graduation, I worked in program development and management for Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and later Methodist Hospital, Houston, where my business education really began,” says the associate professor of business. “I had the opportunity to design and implement Medicaid-managed care programs that helped the state reach more people while containing costs.
“In both instances, I was mentored by people that encouraged me to learn, grow and lead. This mentorship and training gave me the confidence I needed to reach my personal and professional goals. Now, at the University of Mobile, I have the opportunity to do the same for my students, and that gives me great joy!”
We talked with Taylor about teaching at this Christ-centered university.
Q: Why should someone choose to study management?
A: We are all consumers and managers. Regardless of your field, you will be managing people or processes (even if it is merely managing your time or finances). Learning to manage efficiently and effectively is simply helpful in life.
Q: What do you like most about UM?
A: The students and our family-like environment – I love getting to know my students. Watching them grow and thrive over four years is such a gift.
Q: What is your background?
A: I grew up in a family that was in business, so it was a natural choice for me. My undergraduate degree is in business with a concentration in marketing. My graduate degrees include a master’s degree in business administration, a master’s in education, and a Ph.D. in Instructional Design and Development.

Kathy Dean uses her passion for storytelling and “playing with words” to share the stories of people, place and purpose that make the University of Mobile unique. As associate vice president for university communications, she manages media relations, edits the TorchLight alumni magazine, and oversees university communications. A former award-winning journalist, she is a two-time recipient of the Baptist Communicators Association grand prize for feature writing. Kathy and her husband, Chuck, live with three extremely loud miniature schnauzers.