Ingram Hall is a cozy, close-knit community for females. Rooms are suite-style and feature a shared bathroom among 4 residents. Ingram Hall is available for females and is a mix of freshmen and upperclassmen.
Room Measurements:
Window: 64” Wide x 49” High
Closet: 8’ High x 4’ Wide x 64” Deep
Bedframe: 38” Wide x 85” Long x 36” High
Dresser: 30” Wide x 44” High
Desk: 3'5" Wide x 2' High
Shower Curtain: 22” Wide x 78” High
Bathroom Counter: 32” High
Ceiling Height: 10’ High
Room Size: 11.5’ wide x 16’ Long
Twin Size Bed
Building includes:
Computers & Printing
Computer Labs with free printing (you only provide the paper!)
Common Study Rooms
Each floor includes a cozy lobby/study available to students for hanging out or providing some private study space. First floor lobby includes a ping pong table and large screen tv.
Kitchen & Laundry
Laundry facilities and kitchen area available at the end of each hall.
Rooms include:
Everything you Need
Two of each of the following: twin beds, desk, chair and 5 drawer dresser. Roommates share 1 walk in closet with organized shelving.
Suite style bathrooms that are just shared between 4 residents in the suite!
It's Free!
Free Wi-Fi, Free Cable TV, Free Toilet Paper, Free Laundry w/text notifications. RA’s deliver student mail right to their door!
Room & Dining Info
Reserve a Room
Contact your Enrollment Counselor
to reserve a room.
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