Going to college is a fun time in each student’s life, but it can be a time when students drift away from the church. Finding a home church in college …
How to Survive/Thrive Your First Semester of College
The first semester of college is tough for most students. In general, they don’t manage their time well, study correctly, and have a tendency to focus on their social life …
5 Tips for Living with College Roommates
Living with roommates for the first time can be challenging. The University of Mobile helps students enjoy living on campus by providing the best college dorms in the state of …
Ram Rush Welcomes New Students to College
Going to college can be intimidating. You’re leaving your parents, searching for new friends, and beginning life on your own. But don’t worry, that’s what Ram Rush at the University …
Small Classes Vital to College Success
Smaller class sizes have a large impact on the way students learn and perform. At the University of Mobile, the average class size of 14 people allows students to learn …
Grow Your Spiritual Life at UM
Going to college means taking on a lot of responsibility. You’re living on your own and making your own choices. According to Lifeway Research, two thirds of incoming freshman walk …