The University of Mobile’s mission as a Christ-centered academic community is to prepare graduates to fulfill their professional calling with a Great Commission mindset. The School of Christian Studies is the academic training ground for students called to vocational ministry, and The Center for Christian Calling (CCC) is key to accomplishing that mission. As executive director of the CCC, Dr. Doug Wilson follows his calling to mentor the next generation of ministry leaders so they will be known for impacting the world for Jesus Christ.
We asked Wilson to tell us more about the Center for Christian Calling.
Q: The Center for Christian Calling connects students with ministry partners to provide hands-on experience in church & community ministries, as well as cross-cultural missions. What is your role in making that happen?
A: We interact with Christian Studies alumni whom we have taught during the last 20 years, and who serve in ministry locally, regionally and domestically. We’ve also built relationships over the years with graduates who have gone on to serve internationally as short-term and career intercultural specialists. We look for ways to partner with alumni, as well as other evangelical Christians, to develop ministry team experiences, internships, and residencies that prepare our students for vocational ministry.
Q: What is your favorite course to teach?
A: Currently, I would say Biblical Hebrew. I love seeing eyes light up as students begin reading the Old Testament in the original languages, and watching them learn from surveying our Torah Scroll. In the classroom, I’m passionate about teaching students to build bridges across cultural barriers and to learn the content of the Bible. In particular, I want students to grow to love the Old Testament. Through the years, my favorite classes to teach have been Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew and intercultural courses. The dynamics of the students in the classroom often make the difference. I see these disciplines as being interconnected (like puzzle pieces), so it’s hard to choose only one.
Q: What do you want your students to learn through your classes?
A: I begin each semester by telling my students that my goals for them are to complete my course with a deeper love for God, a deeper love for His Word, a deeper commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandments. “Study to show yourself approved unto God.” Those are my goals for our students.
Q: You have taught at UM for 20 years and served as dean [for 10 years]. What is your background?
A: I have a Bachelor of Science in church music from Toccoa Falls College, a Master of Divinity from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and PhD in Old Testament Languages & Literature. I was married in 1982, licensed to preach in 1983, ordained into ministry in 1984, and I’m the father of six children and “Granddaddy” to a growing number. I have served in pastoral ministry, theological education and denominational leadership. I’ve taken UM students on 15 international mission trips, taught for two years in Nicaragua, and have overseen UM’s semester abroad program. Currently, I serve as an Old Testament Bible translator for the New Tyndale Version and as teaching pastor at Moffett Road Baptist Church.
Q: What do you enjoy outside of class?
A: Every once in a while, I’ll perform in an Alabama School of the Arts production — Merry Widow, Magic Flute, and The Consul. My favorite role was the Bishop in Les Miserables. I would love for my acts of Christian compassion to impact lives the way Bishop Bienvenu’s impacted Jean Valjean.
Another thing I enjoy is to travel with my wife, Kim, and children when possible. I walk for health and for stress relief. I relax by putting jigsaw puzzles together with Kim during vacation breaks. That hobby is sort of my metaphor for life. God doesn’t show us everything at once, and we often don’t know where a single piece fits into the big picture until we get closer to the end.

Kathy Dean uses her passion for storytelling and “playing with words” to share the stories of people, place and purpose that make the University of Mobile unique. As associate vice president for university communications, she manages media relations, edits the TorchLight alumni magazine, and oversees university communications. A former award-winning journalist, she is a two-time recipient of the Baptist Communicators Association grand prize for feature writing. Kathy and her husband, Chuck, live with three extremely loud miniature schnauzers.