Typically, the term “clique” has a negative connotation with it. Maybe you think of that group in high school who talked behind your back, or some students that made you feel “not cool enough” to identify with them. This is accurate but, fortunately, in college there are elements of high school to leave behind. Finding your specific niche of friends is easy and available, especially at the University of Mobile.
On arrival at UM, I didn’t know where my friend group was. Thankfully, the Ram Rush week allowed me to meet a variety of people in small and large group settings. Enjoy the fun, games and activities; you’ll see “ your clique” start to form and evolve. With my journalistic personality and love of different personalities, I found my “clique” to be individuals from a variety of friend groups!
The University of Mobile can actively involve you in local church, and that’s where I found truly like-minded students.. My friends and I have realized the importance of seeing one another and worshipping together. It’s hard to make Sundays a “ sleep day” when you have peers to keep you accountable!
Here are 5 tips to find your perfect “clique” at college, and not fall into the trap of ostracizing others (like high school days.)
- Your ideal group of friends will be welcoming to you and your abilities. Remember to step outside of your dorm to find friends. It’s easy to be a dorm hermit, but being involved with a group shows you’ll put in a little effort.
- Lose the “mean girl syndrome,” and show others the friendship you are searching for. The “you can’t sit with us” mentality is childish, and you’re an adult. Ask the new people questions. Walk to classes with people you don’t know. Try to find just one “new” person a day to reach out to; ask their name.
- Don’t be involved in toxic cliques. The word “toxic” was the word of the year for the Oxford Dictionary in 2018, so perhaps it’s been overused? However, it’s effective to describe unkind and selfish Be sure you aren’t the toxic friend!
- Keep information in “friend circles” between individuals. “Two’s company, three is drama,” is a saying that reflects the childishness of information spread outside of one-on-one communication. Most of the time, talking about others becomes gossip, which becomes drama.
- Involve the friend groups that are outside of your “norm.” You’ll see that we are more alike than we are different in multiple ways! The best friendships seem to be the unexpected ones.
Being inclusive to others and maintaining quality friendships will help lose the negative stereotype that comes with cliques.

Lydia Walker is a junior communication major in Journalism and media broadcasting at the University of Mobile. She is an intern with UM’s Office for Marketing and Public Relations. She has worked with corporate marketing for Chick-fil-A and as a receptionist for a doctor’s family practice, and she now enjoys being a barista. She has placed 3 times in state competition for harp performance. She also loves physical activity and chocolate.