How to Fail Finals

Lydia WalkerNews, Student Life

We all knew this week was coming. Finals are here and waiting for students to strive for excellence and higher education. The University of Mobile has multiple ways to help …

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Lydia WalkerNews, Student Life

This week I tried finding study hacks. I wanted shortcuts and easier ways to cram information in my head for the upcoming exams at the University of Mobile. Unfortunately, there …

Clique-ing in College

Lydia WalkerStudent Life

Typically, the term “clique” has a negative connotation with it. Maybe you think of that group in high school who talked behind your back, or some students that made you …

For the College Night Owl

Lydia WalkerNews, Student Life

Have you pulled 2, 3 or 12 all-nighters during exam season? Studying as a junior at the University of Mobile, it is easy to justify the thought process of staying …