I love singing, but I also love helping people.
Fortunately, I found a place where I can do both: the University of Mobile. Let me tell you how I decided to become a singing nurse!
So Many Career Options!
I didn’t really know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I watched a lot of television as a child, specifically America’s Got Talent, and I would see all the amazing people that would perform. I have always loved to sing since I was a little girl but was always so shy about it. I would sing in my room at home and sometimes around the house when no one was around, but I secretly hoped they could hear me and maybe I could go on the show!
I specifically remember one lady who was really flexible – she called herself a contortionist. I was so amazed at her flexibility and all the tricks she could do. I was active in gymnastics at the time, so I was really flexible and could somehow see myself being a contortionist. I decided I would tell my dad that’s what I wanted to be!
And the list goes on and on: I wanted to be a teacher, a police officer, in the military, a lawyer and other careers. As I grew older, I realized those other careers choices really didn’t fit into the lifestyle I wanted to live out in the future.
Following My Heart to Nursing
Most of my family members are nurses, so you would think that would be the first thing to come to my mind – but no, I wanted to be different. It took a while, but the more I thought about it, I realized I was destined to be a nurse. I am extremely compassionate towards others and love to lend a helping hand whenever possible, and the field of nursing would allow me to make a difference.
Keeping the Music Alive
However, I still do love to sing. What to do?
Here at the University of Mobile, I am a part of the Alabama School of the Arts where I sing in the choir and take voice lessons. I am also majoring in nursing. I am so grateful that I am allowed to major in nursing, while also being active in a program that is out of my career field. I am able to meet different people, experience phenomenal singing and training, all while studying to become a nurse.
So I figured I could be a singing nurse! I’ll have to do some research to see if there were any other nurses in history that decided they would sing, but I think it’s an outstanding thing to do. Not only can I help people in their time of health crisis, but I can sing to them, if they like, to soothe them. Doesn’t that just sound beautiful? It does to me.

Christina Williams is a sophomore majoring in nursing who loves to try different and new things. Currently she is an intern in UM’s Good Work Agency. She is taking a chance to embrace her creative side by writing this blog!