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Mental Wellness: Self-Care Kit

Amber KelleyNews

How can college students be successful in the midst of a world of uncertainty? “Mental Wellness Monday” on the University of Mobile’s Student Success Instagram page can give you some ideas. University of Mobile counselor Mary-Claire Marshall is sharing tips and news you can use each Monday, and we’ll recap her advice here each week. You can find the video on Instagram at @umobilessc.

Here are this week’s Mental Wellness Monday tips:

Mary-Claire suggests making a self-care kit; this will allow you to personalize and get creative. Here are a couple things that Mary-Claire keeps in her self-care kit:

  • Stress ball. You can make this at home using some ideas off of Pinterest.
  • Bubble wrap. This acts as a great stress reliver.
  • Whether it be essential oils, lotion or a candle, find some scents that calm you down.
  • Eye mask and earplugs. Sometimes it’s good to quiet everything and get still!
  • This can help you have something physical in your hand that you can work through.
  • A little chocolate never hurt anyone!
  • Coloring materials. Many people find it helpful to create when feeling stressed or sad.
  • Coping skill ideas. Write down ideas on notecards that you can flip through and utilize those things when you’re feeling stressed. Some things Mary-Claire has on her cards are: praying, taking a walk, cooking, taking a hot shower, thinking about happy memories, calling a friend, having a dance party, exercising, writing, crafts, listening to music and chewing gum.

During this season, it’s important to know how to take care of yourself and propel forward when you’re feeling stressed. A self-care kit might be exactly what you need!