The Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning
The center is designed to support the UM Teaching Community.
The Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning is a Christ-centered academic community encouraging intellectual and spiritual development through academic partnerships. Our programs are research based, focused on pedagogical and andragogical practices, and innately collaborative.

Our main question is: How do we reflect upon our teaching and improve our students’ experience in the classroom?
Goals of the Program
To encourage reflection of teaching approaches, experiment with new classroom formats, and support innovative teaching and research initiatives.
- Support new faculty as they grow in their profession
- Support faculty with ongoing learning opportunities
- Encourage collaboration and sharing of innovative ideas among faculty
- Improve academic success among students by supporting best practices in pedagogical and andragogical endeavors
- Support cross disciplinary conversations about research ideas, writing in the discipline, and teaching and learning strategies
We are Better
Programs offered:
- Online consortium — OWLS — Observe-Write-Learn-Share
- Newsletter: Contributions from Your Colleagues
- Resources on teaching, learning & assessment
- Teaching coaches and peer mentors
- Seminars, workshops and academic discussions
- Teaching Circles
- Teaching Lunches with a Focus
- Instruction in teaching and technology application in the classroom
- Confidential consultation and concerns about the teaching process
- Pedagogical Partnerships
- Creative Writing Salon