The University of Mobile is preparing the next generation of Christians with a passion for Christ and a mission to impact the world for the glory of God, says Dr. Benjamin Stubblefield.
As visiting assistant professor of New Testament in the Center for Christian Calling at the University of Mobile, Stubblefield follows his own calling to ministry by mentoring the next generation of leaders to impact the world for Jesus Christ. We asked Stubblefield why he teaches at UM – and how managing chickens in a family 4-H project helps him see God through His creation.
Q: You have taught at UM since 2016. What is your background?
A: After completing my Bachelor of Arts in English and Bachelor of Science in Finance at Auburn University and sensing a call to ministry, I went on to seminary at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and earned an MDiv and Ph.D. in New Testament Studies. My dissertation focused on the role of the Church in the book of Revelation.
Q: What is your favorite class to teach?
A: I often teach “Introduction to the New Testament” courses and have recently begun teaching Greek online. I enjoy every course, but teaching Greek online is my favorite. The course is usually smaller and allows for lots of student-professor interactions. It’s also challenging. The difficulty has a way of binding us all together. It’s tough, but we usually have a great time slogging through it together!
Q: Why do you choose to teach at the University of Mobile?
A: While so many institutions over the years have lost their Christian vision and commitments, UM stays resolved in fidelity to Biblical truth and in its zeal for academic excellence.
Q: Where can we find you when you’re not teaching?
A: Our family is involved in the 4-H program in Clarke County, Alabama, so we’ve got about 20 chickens that we are trying to manage! I also enjoy pretty much anything outdoors. We camp, hunt, garden, and fish as we have the opportunity. Being outside gives us a chance to escape the phone, slow down, be with each other and see God in His creation.
I also love the local church, and I have been privileged to serve the church in a variety of ministry roles since my collegiate years. I presently serve as senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Jackson, Alabama.

Sydney Snow is a University of Mobile 2022 graduate with a double major in English and Strategic Communications and a minor in Spanish. During her senior year, Sydney interned with UM’s Office for Marketing and Public Relations. Today, she works at the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission with the Employment and Economic Development Services department. Her focus is on the Senior Community Service Employment Program.