I always tell people that the University of Mobile chose me.
I made the decision to attend the University of Mobile just two weeks before classes began. I was the Distinguished Young Woman of Missouri in 2018, and I flew to Mobile to compete in the National Competition. It was during those two weeks that I visited UM. I fell in love with the school immediately, and they made it possible for me to attend through their DYW Scholarship.
I was committed to a school back home in Missouri, but UM’s intentionality brought me all the way to Alabama. UM helped me with last-minute details and scholarships, making the transition as easy as possible. I want incoming students to know that it is possible to commit later, be 12 hours from home, and still feel at home on the UM campus.
I love being a UM student because there are many opportunities to serve. UM is not only its own community, but it is a Christ-centered place fulfilling the Great Commission. As a follower of Christ, my purpose is to glorify God and make disciples. UM helps me achieve this purpose by loving others through events such as Project Serve and Focus Fridays.
UM is preparing me to succeed both academically and spiritually. As someone pursuing a career in journalism, I’m being equipped with challenging, rewarding classes. I’m also a UM Ambassador, so I have practical experience speaking to people outside the classroom. Through a faith-based curriculum, I am preparing to stand for truth in my field.
In my time at UM, I’ve learned that success is living for Christ and not myself, and that is the best way to be known.

Ashlyn Nichols is a senior at the University of Mobile majoring in communications and minoring in French. She is an intern with UM’s Office of Marketing and Public Relations, and she works as the communications coordinator at Redemption Church in Saraland, Alabama. She was the 2018 Distinguished Young Woman in Missouri and competed in the national finals in Mobile, where she first visited the University of Mobile. Ashlyn is a UM Ambassador and on the UM tennis team. She enjoys hiking the trails on campus, playing the violin, and spending time at the beach.